
🌍 Static site generator for docs sites written in Deno

View the Project on GitHub denorg/site

🌍 Deno Site

The first JAMStack static site generator written in Deno, for building fast, beautiful, and accessible documentation sites.

⚠️ WARNING: This project is currently in alpha-stage development. Expect breaking changes.

Test CI

deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net <arguments>

Alternatively, you can use the API:

import { build } from "";

const siteResult = await build();

You can also install it globally using the following:

deno install --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net -n site

Then, the package is available to run:

site <arguments>

Required permissions:

  1. --allow-read
  2. --allow-write
  3. --allow-net

👩‍💻 Development

Run tests:

deno test --allow-read

📄 License

MIT © Denorg